Create android studio desktop shortcut on linux

Thiago Lopes Silva
2 min readApr 23, 2020
vina del mar, Chile

Hello folks, These days I’ve faced this common problem because I changed my personal computer to a new one that contains ubuntu operation system.

So, the goal of this short post is to guide you to create a desktop android studio shortcut in Ubuntu operation systems. This post is separated in two sections. The first one shows how to do it manually and the second one by shell script.

But first…. before you go on you need to download ( and extract the latest android studio version in your preference folder.

First Section: creating android studio desktop shortcut manually:

To do it you need to generate a new file named AndroidStudio.desktop in $HOME/.local/share/applications folder using the following template.

In ANDROID_STUDIO_PATH you must replace it with your android studio path. After doing this you can search for Android Studio app in your applications's installed list on linux system.

Second Section: Creating android studio desktop shortcut by shell script:

To do it you need to download the follow shell script and follow below steps.


First of all you must give to download shell script the execution permission using the following command:

chmod +x

Ps: is the name of download shell script.

Execute the shell script providing an valid android folder path that ends with bin. For example:

./ -p /home/thiagoolsilva/android-linux/android-studio/bin

After ran the script you can search for Android Studio app in your applications’s installed list on linux system.

Finally, If you need to check more details about the above script you can type the following command.

./ -h

That´s it folks. I wish that I could help you with this short post and I ‘d love to know If you have some topics that can help you. See you on next post!

Don't forget to clap if you enjoin it. :P

